Thursday, March 21, 2013

Eating Mindfully

Since I talked a lot about paying attention to what you eat in my last post, this one will be more dedicated to the how part of mindful eating. I will take you through the process of eating a meal, in a way that your body can best digest it. These little things can help weight loss, lessen gas/cramping, and promote better nutrient intake!

  • 15 minutes before your meal: Drink a 1 or 2 glasses of water. This can help you not mistake thirst for hunger, as well as prepare your system for the digestion process. Drinking water (not soda) during the meal is good too, in that it can help you pace yourself if you pause to drink in between mouthfuls, and it can also help you feel full sooner.
  • During your meal: Chew longer! Digestion/the breakdown of food starts in your mouth, so chewing each mouthful properly until the food is totally broken down (approx. 20 times, depending on the food) is very important. Saliva mostly breaks down fats and proteins, so be sure not to swallow until you have chewed them fully. Pause between mouthfuls. Wolfing down your food is never good. Slowing down will let your body have some time to process your food, and will also help you better enjoy and appreciate your food! Try to sit down for your meal, and avoid eating while on the run, driving, or working. Also, don't over eat! Eat just until you feel satisfied and not full. 
  • After your meal: Relax. You don't want to do any rigorous activity after eating, so if you want to help your food settle, take a walk outside, but don't forget to let your body digest a little before you return to your daily activities! You should wait at least 2 hours after a meal before doing any working out. 
  • During the day: Be sure to snack every 2 or 3 hours. If you don't eat for a long period of time, your metabolism slows down, making it harder for your body to digest your next meal. 

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