Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bioaccessability and Bioavailability

Definition: The potential for a substance to interact with (and be absorbed by) an organism
All foods are have a certain state in which their bioaccessability is at it's highest. Certain foods need to be cooked slightly in order for your body to be able to access the nutrients fully, while others lose nutrients the more you cook them. Even water loses it's healthy minerals when you boil/distill or filter it.
The Raw Food Diet is both tough and a nice break on your body: The lack of most highly processed foods, refined sugars, and meats, the only things your digestive system needs to work on are all the raw veggetables, fruit, nuts and other proteins.
It is important to avoid highly processed foods, because they hold very little nutrition, and you just end up putting indigestable, food in your body that only does your body bad. Lean toward fresh veggies and fruits, fueling you with good proteins, vitamins, and other important nutrients!

1 comment:

  1. Good recommendations...if we at least eliminate one processed food from our diet per week or per month, it would completely change our bodies. I know eventually I have to wean myself off of vegan cheese and pre packaged veggie burgers. Not there yet!
